This function exports the passed in iso_files to the Python and R shared feather file format. The different kinds of data (raw data, file info, methods info, etc.) are exported to separate feather files that are saved with the provided filepath_prefix as prefix. All are only exported if the corresponding include_ parameter is set to TRUE and only for data types for which this type of data is available and was read (see iso_read_dual_inlet, iso_read_continuous_flow for details on read parameters). Note that in rare instances where vectorized data columns exist in the file information (e.g. measurement_info), they are concatenated with ', ' in feather output. Note that the feather package required for this export is not installed automatically as part of isoreader. Please install it manually if missing using install.packages("feather").

  include_file_info = everything(),
  include_raw_data = everything(),
  include_standards = !!enexpr(include_method_info),
  include_resistors = !!enquo(include_method_info),
  include_vendor_data_table = everything(),
  include_problems = everything(),
  with_explicit_units = FALSE,
  include_method_info = everything(),
  quiet = default(quiet)



collection of iso_file objects


what to use as the prefix for the feather file names (e.g. name of the data collection or current date)


which file information to include (see iso_get_file_info). Use c(...) to select multiple, supports all select syntax including renaming columns.


which columns from the raw data to include. Use c(...) to select multiple columns, supports all select syntax including renaming columns. Includes all columns by default. Set to NULL to include no raw data.


which columns from the standards info to include. Use c(...) to select multiple columns, supports all select syntax including renaming columns. By default, everything is included (both standards and ratios). To omit the ratios, change to select = file_id:reference. Set to NULL to include no standards info.


which columns from the resistors info to include. Use c(...) to select multiple columns, supports all select syntax including renaming columns. Includes all columns by default. Set to NULL to include no resistors info.


which columns from the vendor data table to include. Use c(...) to select multiple columns, supports all select syntax including renaming columns. Includes all columns by default. Set parameter with_explicit_units = TRUE to make column units explicit (keep in mind that this will require specific include_vendor_data_table column selections to reflect the column names including the units). Set to NULL to include no vendor data table.


which columns from problems to include. Use c(...) to select multiple columns, supports all select syntax including renaming columns. Includes none of the read problems by default. Set to include_problems = everything() to include all columns.


whether to include units in the column headers of the returned data frame instead of the column data types (see iso_double_with_units). Note that any select conditions have to refer to the column names including the full units.


deprecated in favor of the more specific include_standards and include_resistors


whether to display (quiet=FALSE) or silence (quiet = TRUE) information messages. Set parameter to overwrite global defaults for this function or set global defaults with calls to iso_turn_info_messages_on and iso_turn_info_messages_off


returns the iso_files object invisibly for use in pipelines

See also

Other export functions: iso_export_files_to_excel(), iso_save()