Sets the root directory for a set of iso_files (property file_root in the file information), which is particularly useful for re-reading files (reread_iso_files) after they have changed location. Can optionally remove the previous root (remove_embedded_root) if it is still embedded in the isofiles' file_path instead of file_root. Will warn about any paths that cannot be simplified by removing the embedded root.

  root = ".",
  remove_embedded_root = NULL,
  quiet = default(quiet)



collection of iso_file objects


new root directory for the isofiles. Can be relative to the current working directory (e.g. "data") or an absolute path on the file system (e.g. "/Users/..." or "C:/Data/.."). Can be supplied as a vector of same length as the iso_files if the files have different roots. Use root = "." to set the root to the current working directory (the default).


set this parameter to a root path that is embedded in the isofiles' file_path. Will warn about any paths that cannot be simplified by removing the specified remove_embedded_root.


whether to display (quiet=FALSE) or silence (quiet = TRUE) information messages. Set parameter to overwrite global defaults for this function or set global defaults with calls to iso_turn_info_messages_on and iso_turn_info_messages_off